Saturday, 21 June 2014

The strawberries are back at Wellington Point

I was reading the Bayside Bulletin and saw an entry about "The strawberries are back at Wellington Point". I LOVE strawberries, especially when in season and picked fresh. Apparently there is a shed on  Main Road, Wellington Point where you can buy strawberries as well as vegetables and herbs. I can't wait!

"Paul Wruck, spokesman for Wellington Point Farm owners Sumvista, said he reopened the stall after locals told him they were missing his sweet camerosa, splendour and ruby gem strawberries.... A 1kg punnet of strawberries at Wellington Point costs $12 and there is a range of other farm-fresh produce available at the farm gate. The farm also produces a range of high quality vegetables and herbs, also available at the stall."

Link: The strawberries are back at Wellington Point

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